LANCE | Suspended Fireplace
The VITA Fireplaces Lance | Suspended Fireplace offers a slender design for a stunning focal point to any space. The modern style and narrow shape are sure to demand attention while optimizing space within the specified environment.
Each fireplace is hand-crafted by our talented craftsmen with meticulous attention to detail when manufacturing our artistic designs for hospitality, commercial, luxury home, and restaurant projects. With ease of installation, the benefits of VITA Fireplaces can be enjoyed year-round.

Resource library
LANCE | Suspended Fireplace
Manual - Gas
LANCE | Suspended Fireplace
Spec Sheet - Gas Vertical Vent
LANCE | Suspended Fireplace
Spec Sheet - Gas Horizontal Vent
LANCE | Suspended Fireplace
Specification Layout - Gas Vertical Vent
LANCE | Suspended Fireplace
Specification Layout - Gas Horizontal Vent
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